Motivational guru Jim Rohn once said that we are the average of the five people with whom we spend the most time. All successful people know that the quality of the people AND RELATIONSHIPS in your life contribute to your success. We are greatly influence by those closest to us, whether we like it or not. Our relationships affect our way of thinking, our decision-making processes, our self-esteem, and even what we consider “normal” or “acceptable.”
Think about what your relationships with your family and friends say about you? Are your relationships fulfilling, strong and based in love? Or are the wrought with conflict and incomplete? Maybe you don’t have a lot of intimate relationships at all… what does this say about the kind of person you are, your goals and what you are up to in the world?
The quality of the relationships in your life directly affect the quality of your life, and, in turn, influence your success. This is why Family and Friends are the 5th pillar for success.