by Featured Guest, Sheila Simonsen Sheila is a certified Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist that has been working with youth and families in the Racine, Wisconsin community for the past 20 years. She love everything about her home town from its beautiful lake front to the amazing community …
featured guest
What’s running you – under the radar?
Fall is upon us. You might be dreading the idea of winter and imagining what it will be like as you shovel that white stuff off the driveway. I am looking forward to the obligatory ride into and selection of pumpkins at the pumpkin farm. I am currently happily saying good-bye to the mosquitoes. …
Just Be Ethical
I recently recovered from a case of being “O-less.” No kidding. The “O” on my laptop keyboard dislodged and wouldn’t reseat. Here is a portion of the actual chat session I had with my computer manufacturer’s tech support: Me: "Hi. The "O" on my keyboard has detached and will not reseat - I …