One of the biggest limiting factors in a human being is our unwillingness to have straight conversations with each other. Instead of honoring one another through open, truthful communication, we dance around what is really going on by being "nice," not telling the full truth, or by simply spinning …
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3 Necessities for the Remote Management of Your Business
As I said last week, inadequate communication is the biggest source of frustration for most managers and business owners. Poor communication is also the biggest source for lack of productivity in the work place. Lots of entrepreneurs have the dream of working what productivity guru Tim Ferriss has …
4 Steps to Motivate Your Employees to Get It Done EVERY Time!
Motivating yourself to be productive is hard enough, but when you have a team that needs to produce results, issues around their effectiveness can be daunting. However, motivating others is simple. If you have an employee who isn't produce the expected results, the problem is one of 4 things (or a …