As human beings, we constantly worry about things that are beyond our control. Even further, that worry turns into anxiety and we make a huge deal about things that really are just NO. BIG. DEAL. Take my colonoscopy, for example: I've avoided it for over two years because I didn't want to be …
from the coach
D63 – “Just Do It” is More Than a Slogan
I am one of those people that wakes up to "I don't want to." Every. Single. Day. It doesn't matter what my day holds: it could be a day full of chores I'm not excited about, or a weekend away with a friend--I never want to. Now, I've gotten pretty good at just pushing past that with most things. …
D62 – Does Fear Stop You?
Fear has been stopping me from doing something I should do for over two years: the dreaded colonoscopy. As a breast cancer survivor, I should be diligent about anything cancer-related, however, I've let the fear of the test prep for this particular test get in my way. Let's be frank, it's a gross …