I've been talking about gratitude and joy and being present a lot lately. As a matter of fact, I think I said in one of my last daily videos that gratitude is the source of all joy. However, I read a quote today that is taking that to the next level: "Abundance is not something that needs to be …
D35 – #Winning!
I lost a pound in Mexico! What? Vacation... I LOST WEIGHT ON VACATION! There were so many wins for me on this trip, I'm astonished at how in control I was, making great decisions. But, just like every other accomplishment in my life, after a few minutes that internal sabateur jumped in and …
D34 – What Do Towels Have to Do With Living Your Best Life?
I'm learning to take care of myself in new ways. It seems every day presents a new lesson to me and my vacation was no different. Mexico was incredible, but even on vacation, I learned some important ways of being that I want to integrate into my every day life. LESSONS FROM MEXICO1. I am SO …