This journey is so HARD! I'm literally fighting for my life in this 100 days, and, honestly, for every other day of my life following this project. These internal battles, my food issues, have been plaguing me for decades. Let's face it, you don't get to weigh over 350 pounds just because you like …
D45 – Do Your Words Align With Your Actions?
Are your actions consistent with what you say you are committed to? Getting my words and actions in alignment are the key to this journey for me. Actually, it is the key to success in EVERY area of your life. I see people all the time saying that they want things, but their actions are …
D44 – Just Be WEAK and Be Transparent About It
I've been messed up in the head for about 7 days. I'm treading water in the sea of "I don't want to." I'm starting to see that my past childhood trauma has caused a cycle that includes some depression. I've never really admitted this before. To do so would make me seem weak, and as a child, I …