I’ve been talking about gratitude and joy and being present a lot lately. As a matter of fact, I think I said in one of my last daily videos that gratitude is the source of all joy. However, I read a quote today that is taking that to the next level:
“Abundance is not something that needs to be attained, it is something you AWAKEN to.”
-Ann Voskamp
Whether you are in Mexico at a resort, or having dinner with a friend, being present to abundance really brings joy to your life. When you know that the world is wide and vast and full of opportunity, we are more present. So many times in society, we live in survival. How many of you have daily conversations about not having enough time, money or energy to accomplish your goals? I have spent most of my life being in survival about food: “Eat it all… it may not be here tomorrow.”
Instead, try on being that there is time, energy and money for everything important in life, and if you don’t have it now, you can get it. This is ABUNDANCE. Inside of that attitude, you’ll find that you are grateful, full of joy and satisfied in your life.
Today, stay present to abundance… if you don’t have it now, YOU CAN GET IT. Know that there is enough and that YOU ARE ENOUGH. Shift your thinking that there is abundance all around you and when you change your attitude, miracles happen.
Beth, it was was wonderful to talk to you last night. You are such an amazing inspiration!
It was SO great to meet you to! #FightBack