When you have a long term goal, sometimes you have to change things up. I notice that I excel when I make everything black and white. I thrive inside structure and rules. Now, if you would have asked me how I feel about rules sixty days ago, I would have told you I DESPISE them and I always break them. This is just not true. I like to think that I’m a rebel, and one of the things I’ve told every single coach I’ve ever employed is that my biggest “stuck point” is that I am non-compliant.
The reality, however, is just the opposite: when I have structure and rules, I succeed because I follow them. When I become unconscious and let those routines fade, I start to flounder.
I’m thinking that it’s time to change my diet routine up a little. I need a “new game” to play to freshen up what I’m currently doing. Therefore, I’m starting the 16/8 intermittent fasting plan. Basically, you can eat 8 hours during the day, then you fast for 16. During this time, I am not going to doing any full fasting days, per se, rather, I’m going to fast every day from the time I finish dinner until 16 hours later, when I will start my breakfast. This is something I’m doing with Isagenix, so every other food routine will remain the same, my approach is just different.
I feel like I’m getting a little bored and the minute I feel that way I tend to look for ways to just go off my plan. Changing things up will help me continue to stay on track.
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