So you’ve created a vision, you’ve got a plan and you’ve set up an accountability system… seems like that’s all you need to succeed, right? WRONG! The next three pieces to the puzzle are actually the most important. While you may have a plan, you need to work it.
In order to work your plan, succeed and continue to EXCEED, you need to get your attitude in check , your integrity in line and constitute a powerful relationship with failure… yep… the dreaded “f” word.
Step 4: Attitude
You need to believe you can accomplish your vision. You need to believe in yourself and the inspired actions you have created to turn out your goals. And, you need to sustain that belief, and actually learn to generate it. Right away one of my clients will creat a kick-butt plan to increase revenue, achieve some lifelong dream or start something new they’ve been wanting to take on forever. They are inspired and excited and get right to work… this lasts for anywhere from 1 hour to 2 weeks and then “reality” sets in: it’s hard to be on the phone, I have a migraine, am I sure this is what I want to be doing?, what if I fail… yadda, yadda, yadda. All the self talk that normally would keep you small (and probably has in the past)begins to invade your thoughts and try to take over. This is where coaching comes in.
A coach is the keeper of your dreams. Your coach reminds you who you are when you don’t feel like being that… a coach reboots your system and gets you back online.
There are lots of conversations in our head, in our environment and in the world that will bring us down if we let them. This is why accountability is so important. Accountability helps you sustain and generate attitude.
Step 5: Integrity
Tell the truth. It’s as simple as that. Quit b.s.-ing yourself and others about what you are NOT producing. If you don’t tell the truth about it, you cannot grow. Now, when I talk about integrity and telling the truth, I’m not saying all people blatantly lie… though many do. I am, however, saying that all people at the very least, COVERTLY lie to themselves and others. Some examples of the lieing I am talking about :
- telling yourself it’s okay to procrastinate something, that 2 days ago, was important enough for you to schedule
- telling yourself you are committed to a particular result, but consistently taking the low road that does not lead you to your goal
- telling yourself you are open and coachable, when you are not
- telling yourself (and others) that you will take something on “one day”
Require straight talk from yourself and others. Integrity creates miracles and sets you up to learn from failure.
Step 6: The dreaded “f” word: FAILURE
Hand-in-hand with integrity is failure. Most people b.s. or lie to avoid dealing with it. In order to succeed, you have to embrace failure. You need to create a powerful relationship with it. If you are not failing, your goals are not large enough and you are playing it safe.
Consider that failure is a valuable compass. Instead of pointing north, it points to the area(s) in your life and business that need work. Failure is a red flag on the way to success, and when you relate to it as such, you will succeed in life. Most times you will actually EXCEED in life.
Today, ask yourself: How can I generate a productive attitude? Where do I need to tell the truth? How can I begin to embrace the areas in my life where I am failing?
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